Before talking about hypervisor, we should know about Virtual Machine. We already using Virtual Machine with Linux Installed in our local system for the project development to build and deploy the image as well as windows installed to user interface. As a developer Mostly Linux operating system is part of the Virtual Machine. Virtual Machine is the software or application and it will run the Operating system without hardware interaction. Virtual will have separate Cores, Memory and Storage from HOST Operating System.
Now let’s see what hypervisor is,
How virtual machines will do the work same hypervisor will do the work for Embedded devices. In hypervisor resource sharing is important one. In other word we can say one hardware will support multiple Operating system. In Embedded system the processor or hardware will support hardware based virtualization like GPU and Resource sharing between the Operating system. So we can say hypervisor will control the hardware
So, the real time example is four user will use four display independently with single hardware unit. Each user controls the display independently. This feature includes all peripherals.
In hypervisor there will be two Operating System run concurrently. One is Android Operating System and other one is Linux Operating System. So, we should know the knowledge of each Operating System boot sequence and other import features. Needs to know about the flashing technique of each Operating System is important.
There will be some extra feature available in Android kernel and Uboot compared to the normal Linux,
- logcat for android debugging
- Android Debugging bridge (ADB)
- Android have Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) and Zygote services
- Android have the separate folder called vendor to each manufactures
- Android already have package folder which is the native Android Application
- Normal linux there is no boot slot concept but in Android there will be boot slot concept to boot the board (boota – boot from slot a and bootb – for slot b (this one for backup))
So, like that so many difference will be there between these two Operating Systems and the beauty of the Hypervisor is to manage the multiple GUST Operating System with hardware interaction without any issues.
So hypervisor is the platform and it will run multiple Operating system called as GUEST as Multiple Virtual Machine in Single hardware unit called as the HOST. So, the main objective of the hypervisor is to give the Hardware Virtualization to each of GUST Operating System instead of accessing the real hardware.
There are two types of Hypervisors is there,
Do you know our Virtual Box which type that is Hypervisor type 2. Because we can install so many guest Operating System and it will not interact/control the hardware directly. Only HOST operating System will interact/ control the hardware. So, in this type GUSET OS never control the hardware.

In Hypervisor TYPE -1 which is used in Embedded Device Each GUST Operating will interact with hardware as well as control the hardware by Virtualization mechanism